"The White House is calling on other news organizations to isolate and alienate Fox News as it sends out top advisers to rail against the cable channel as a Republican Party mouthpiece"- Fox News, Monday Oct, 19.
One of my favorite things to do is read news articles on both Fox News' and CNN's websites. Both websites are biased CNN on the far left, and Fox on the far right and both tell a different side of the same story. As I was reading today I came across an article about the Obama administration attacking Fox News saying that they are simply a platform for the GOP to deliver its message of conservative politics. Now, the constitution states that everybody is entitled to freedom of speech and certainly officials from the Presidents administration are with in their rights to express their opinions, but to attack a news organization while representing a government office? To me that seems like an attack on the Freedom of Press that is also laid out in the same amendment as Freedom of Speech. America has allowed anybody and everybody to speak there mind in any form without fear of government intervention of retaliation. This attack on a news organization is an obvious attack on a basic freedom that has been a fundamental part of America for over 2 centuries. Now a lot of people will say that well the Obama administration has as much right to talk bad about Fox as Fox has to say whatever it wants about the Obama Administration, but they would be wrong. If they are taking an official stance from any form of a government body, in this case the Presidential Office, then they are barred based on the wording of the constitution itself. No government body or official can do or say anything that may in any way harm a news organization. This attempt by the Obama administration to discourage other networks from even paying attention to Fox News is an obvious violation of the 1st amendment, and another example of why Obama is not qualified to be President, and his administration is trying to stop as much bad press as they can about him and the democratic party.