Monday, November 16, 2009

Universal Health Care

One of my favorite topics that really seems to get everyone talking is universal health care. The House of Representatives recently passed a bill onto the Senate that would essentially create universal health care. I take issue with this for many reasons. The United States has always been a symbol of freedom, but this new bill would make it a criminal offense for somebody not to have health insurance. This bill would also require business owners with more than 25 employees to provide health insurance or risk them being charged heavy fines. Most people would argue that this is acceptable because not everyone can afford to pay for health insurance and the poor should get free health care. Well first of all there are free clinics for people to go to and the emergency rooms are required to provide care to patience if it is funded with tax payer dollars. Second of all this "free health care" would not be free. Income taxes would be increased to pay the bills incurred would cost the taxpayers even more money and the richest Americans would be forced to pay for people who don't have a job and those too lazy to get one. It has been pointed out that Americans go to Canada to get prescription drugs because their universal health care has lowered the price of them. Many people do not know that the Canadians come to America when they have to go to a doctor for a serious reason because America has the best doctors and technology available for diagnostics and treatment. This is makes it obvious to me that although some countries have a better healthcare system it doesn't mean that they have better health care services. The American system allows for more qualified people to become doctors because they can set their own prices rather then a government trained employee who would make a lot less and that would allow for more less qualified citizens to become doctors and personally I prefer a more qualified doctor regardless of price. I could keep going and I probably will for next weeks blogs but it is almost midnight so I am going to bed.